As an introduction to Capoeira and official initiation into the group, members of the Nottingham University Capoeira Society recieved their first belts during a grading ceremony this December. The event is known as a "Batizado", meaning baptism; a tradition of Capoeira, where students without belts are presented with them by masters and professors. On the day, classes of Capoeira were also taught by visiting masters and professors, plus a session of Maculele, a traditional afro-brazilian ritual dance using sticks, lead by our very own Professor Papa-Leguas.
We were honoured with the presence of Master Ze Antonio, SP- Brazil, Master Poncianinho, London, and Professora Rejane, also London. We were also visited by Barata of Latvia, and students from Manchester and London Capoeira groups.
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Click here for photos from our main Batizado in May, when we were in the presence of grand master Suassuna, master Deputado, master Acordeon and master Jogo de Dentro among others...
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